The Wehrmacht did not use service numbers in the same sense as their western military counterparts.
But they're supposed to be suspicious of their military counterparts, and I don't want to undercut that.
Perhaps Klingon scientists weren't quite as fierce as their military counterparts after all.
Sixty-three percent of the force serve in areas outside traditional police functions, similar to the situation of their military counterparts.
But they had no jurisdiction over civilians working alongside their military counterparts.
Civilian technology has also advanced in a similar way to its military counterpart in the 21st century.
Political-military simulations take a different approach to their purely military counterparts.
Since recently, veterans are expected to salute the colors too, like their military counterparts including personnel not in uniform.
During this time, members of the band would undergo the same training as their military counterparts.
Unlike its military counterpart, it had the serial number stamped on the barrel.