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We are only setting up a new military bloc, which I do not believe is a good idea.
Does it make sense for Russia to join a military bloc today?
But the emerging Europe is more than military blocs and economic markets.
It's not a military bloc in the traditional sense.
"The military blocs are losing their function," the document declared.
Second, there are realities which have taken shape within the framework of the two opposing military blocs.
The idea has found particular favor in West Germany, where popular opinion is growing against the military blocs.
Together with the 25% reserved military bloc, former regime officials control over 80% of the total seats in both national parliaments.
The latter talks, though formally linked to the 35-nation European security process, will involve only the 23 members of the two military blocs.
"I'm in favor of dissolving both military blocs, but it's not feasible now.
That was a challenge, a call to change the structures of the blocs, from military blocs to more political ones.
This new start must not lead us into military blocs bristling with weapons, but only to a new kind of common security system for Europe.
A European military bloc extending to the Russian border, on the other hand, will mean less, not more security for this continent.
We don't want to join any military bloc".
"These two Germanys belong to two different military blocs."
The Parliament emphasized that the republic intended to be "a constantly neutral state, not participating in military blocs."
The texts still contained an important difference on the issue of maximum overall foreign troop deployments allowed to the two military blocs.
Soviet officials have said uniting Germany is impossible as long as the two parts belong to rival military blocs.
"Mercosur is a group whose purpose is clearly established, and it does not aspire to be a military bloc or alliance."
After decades of repression, new political parties, religious factions, military blocs and ambitious politicians all began to grab for a share of power.
Sweden belongs to no military blocs.
A smaller group, the internationalists, which included Chernov, favored the pursuit of peace through cooperation with socialist parties in both military blocs.
The disparity is significant, diplomats said, because talks between the Western and Eastern military blocs cannot formally conclude until the humanitarian issues have been resolved.
Russian Army officers see themselves as increasingly isolated by an overwhelmingly powerful Western military bloc, Western diplomats said.
The 6th Proposition called for "progressive and simultaneous disarmament in order to dissolve military blocs" with the maintenance of the "military balance."