It shouldn't matter whether discipline is brought in through the "militaristic" approaches of Mossbourne or more "soft" methods involving children being persuaded rather than being expected to fit to a particular culture.
"We were very conscious that they are now working for a new set of employers, not a Government that had a militaristic approach," he said.
"Too often sponsors go from no communication at all to a kind of militaristic approach to owners."
This played a significant role in forming Bulgaria's militaristic approach to foreign affairs during the first half of the 20th century.
He combined Enlightenment ideas with Christian values, cameralist plans for central control of the economy, and a militaristic approach toward international diplomacy.
Following the investigation into police handling of the protest, the human rights group Liberty called for further study of what it referred to as the "militaristic approach" used by the TSG.
With the United States accused by some nations of having adopted a unilateral, militaristic approach to foreign policy, Mr. Bush has sought to soften that reputation.
He teaches her their individual signals on the call, but she openly disapproves of this militaristic approach.
It received 3 out of 5 stars on IGN; the review noted that though a well paced and well acted film, it "suffers from this overall militaristic, streamlined approach."
The latter theme led post-World War II critics to compare Anderson's militaristic approach to homosocial order and the fascists of the War's Axis powers.