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He had always wanted to ask his daughter about things like the solar wind and micrometeorites but just never did.
I was outside when it happened and another micrometeorite scratched my helmet.
The micrometeorite detector was mounted on the sphere as well.
However, the protective layers are subject to erosion by micrometeorites.
These experiments 28 of them ranged from astronomy to micrometeorite collection.
Luna 1 also carried a micrometeorite detector and other equipment.
The impact of micrometeorites would give them some.
"Could those particles from the sun have triggered a reaction in a cloud of micrometeorites?"
Subsequent impacts, especially by micrometeorites stir and mix this soil.
The astronomers suggest that the gullies could be the result of micrometeorite impacts.
The most common events are those associated with micrometeorites, as might be encountered during meteor showers.
The hull was scarred by decades of cosmic rays and micrometeorites.
In addition the cable shape must be constructed to withstand micrometeorites and space junk.
However, a spacecraft would be almost constantly struck by micrometeorites, about the size of dust grains.
It's set to trigger a proximity alarm for anything bigger than a micrometeorite."
Micrometeorites are tiny high-speed particles found in high concentrations at certain altitudes.
They also have gold, aluminum and zinc plates to record slightly bigger micrometeorite hits.
But micrometeorites often have a loose texture, which suggests that they have never been part of anything big, heavy and hot.
The degree of heating and their original composition determine that only a few minerals have been founded in micrometeorites.
Any faster than that, and she'll take damage from micrometeorite impacts, maybe even ruin what we've got of the repair."
He remembered reading about a "solar wind" powerful enough to move huge space stations, and micrometeorites that could slice through steel.
The outside metallic micrometeorite shields had been pulled back from the six darkened viewing ports and they stared out.
It responded to micrometeorite impacts on the spacecraft skin in such way that each impact would be a function of mass and velocity.
The acoustic micrometeorite detector detected 145 impacts of cosmic dust in 78,750 seconds.
Micrometeorites are micrometeoroids which have survived entry through the Earth's atmosphere.