Both parts of the research will use historical and sociological methods.
Which sociological method do you feel would be most appropriate to the sort of research carried out by Corrigan?
They helped pioneer the use of modern sociological methods in China, studying the impact of economic reform.
This book was the first to use sociological methods to document the concerns and experiences of "New Mexicans."
Suggest possible difficulties with the use of other sociological methods for studying the leisure activities of these boys.
Pierre Francastel (1900-1970) was a French art historian, best known for his use of sociological method.
Mintusov was the first in Russia to use applied qualitative sociological methods in marketing and political studies.
Unlike the relatively straightforward reporting to be found in journalism, the sociological method requires a more sophisticated examination of statistical data.
His many contributions to sociological method have earned him the title of the "founder of modern empirical sociology".
In Tricks of the Trade, Becker outlines his ideas on sociological methods.