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But evolution of the first Metazoan with a bilateral body plan involved much more.
In the 19 Century, the boundary was set at the first abundant animal (metazoan) fossils.
It may have been an early metazoan, or a colonial foraminiferan.
The body of a protozoan resembles, in a general way, a single cell of a metazoan, or many-celled animal.
This makes this gastropod the only metazoan known so far that employs this material in its skeleton.
A new metazoan from the Cambrian Burgess Shale, British Columbia.
It is a one-celled animal to begin with, and then a simple metazoan resembling the fresh-water hydra or a simple jellyfish.
The Appekunny Formation contains bedding structures which may include the remains of the oldest metazoan (animal) on Earth.
This protein has not been found in yeast, which suggests that it is likely to have an abnormal exonuclease domain like the one seen in a metazoan.
Rates of genome rearrangement between species in the genus Drosophila based on cytological evidence are thought to be among the highest for any metazoan [ 61].
Class 2 TEs do not use RNA as intermediate and are popular in bacteria, in metazoan it has also been found.
The fossil has been interpreted as a dorso-ventrally compressed stem-group metazoan, with a large gut cavity and a transversely ridged ectoderm.
The metazoan fusion appears to have occurred near the bases of the metazoan and apicomplexan lineages.
The presence of this gut identified it as a metazoan, and the stem implied that it lived permanently attached to the sea floor by a small holdfast.
Recently, RPTPs have been examined in sponges [ 13, 14] the phylogenetically oldest extant metazoan.
These findings demonstrated that Hox genes were not simply involved in segmentation, as thought, but instead were part of a much more ancient and fundamental metazoan patterning system.
The results from this second filter were examined and any sequence with a significant match to a metazoan other than a closely related plant-parasitic nematode was removed from further analysis.
Despite this fact, the brine-containing interstices and pockets found in sea ice host a variety of organisms, including bacteria, autotrophic and heterotrophic protists, microalgae, and metazoan.
For example, the giant trace Climactichnites from the Upper Cambrian of North America is believed to have been constructed by an otherwise unknown Metazoan of novel appearance.
There are significant differences in sequence and secondary structure between metazoan and yeast U1 snRNAs, the latter being much longer (568 nucleotides as compared to 164 nucleotides in humans).
Homology amongst the metazoan suggests that it has been conserved across animals and was hypothesised as a chimeric fusion of an ancestral GPCR and a leucine-rich repeat motif.
The "string of beads" organism Horodyskia, found in rocks dated from 1.5 Ga to 900 Ma, may have been an early metazoan; however it has also been interpreted as a colonial foraminiferan.
This suggests that it may be a metazoan (and possibly a bilaterian) invention, and that the genomic regulatory networks through which Runx genes control the fate, proliferation and differentiation of cells are unique to animals.
Clearly a fair amount of evolution is required to achieve the cell differentiation in the body plan of the prototype bilateral metazoan and for the basic developmental processes that generate that body plan from a single fertilized cell.
No opsins have been found outside these groups (for instance in plants, fungi, or placozoans), although as-yet unconfirmed reports of opsins in sponges would suggest that opsins were present in the ancestral metazoan.