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Of metal electrodes, stainless steel is by far the best.
The metal electrode is in its standard state so by definition has unit activity.
The electric current at the shock end runs through two metal electrodes.
To every part of Blade's body he taped cobra-headed metal electrodes.
Unfortunately a solid metal electrode is impervious to virtually everything.
And now he understood the significance of the two thin metal electrodes, attached by wire to the top.
The cavities are cylindrical, with metal electrodes embedded on the floor and one side.
Deposition of copper and other metals had previously been noted, but only on metal electrodes.
If the metal electrode could be replaced then it might be possible to make the whole thing using just a printer.
Each wire ended in a gleaming metal electrode, shaped like a cobra's head.
It essentially consists of two metal electrodes separated by a small distance, placed in a reactor.
Each wire ended in a cobra-headed metal electrode taped to Blade's skin.
Electric current continues to flow from the metal electrode through the ionized gas into the tissue.
Onto each waveguide, he also deposits a metal electrode, which can produce an acoustic wave.
The device incorporates metal electrodes, which are connected to an amplifier to make the recording.
Double metal electrodes are ideal for imposed current potentiometric titration.
A flake of graphene has the potential to hold a series of metal electrodes.
An unforeseen result was the deposition of copper on and within the plaster, without any contact with the metal electrodes.
The electric fields are generated from electric potentials on metal electrodes.
These transition metal electrodes offer excellent reversibility, with several hundred-thousand cycles.
The two primary classes of electrodes are glass micropipettes and metal electrodes.
A reoccurring problem in this technology is to establish good electrical contact between the active organic layer and metal electrodes.
His experiment measured the force on tiny charged droplets of oil suspended against gravity between two metal electrodes.
The metal electrodes are arranged so that the termination alternates from one edge to another of the capacitor.
Liquid metal electrode is a replacement for mercury electrode variants.