If the orthodox economists are right, the Sisyphean efforts of the Prediction Company merely insure that the efficient market hypothesis will ultimately prevail, flattening the nonbelievers.
Victims' rights will not tamper with the rights of defendants; they will merely insure that the rights of victims are considered and balanced by the court rather than ignored or trumped by the rights of defendants.
For the true fans, it will merely insure lackluster play all season, since all the lackluster teams will now make the playoffs.
He merely insured that fuel was available.
Mr. Vacco said at the time that he was not anti-homosexual, but was merely insuring that his executive order was in line with the state's human rights law.
He seemed to know that the safety regulator was merely insuring the stability of the thrust neutralization field.
I'm merely insuring myself against your refusing with a feint of deafness to hear what I have to say.