Puck and Punch, and the press universal, would fall upon it and make merciless fun of it, and its first exhibition would be also its last.
The show makes merciless fun of fashion rituals, from the mad scramble to entice celebrities for a runway show to the embrace of social causes.
But Connie Hair, a spokeswoman for Mr. Keyes, said that he would appear on the "Weekend Update" segment and planned to make "merciless fun" of the media.
But at his University of Massachusetts class, which is based on the ideas in his book, Mr. Taleb made merciless fun of such forecasting.
One item that Cooper makes particularly merciless fun of is the Uncrustables sandwich - the same one that caught Almon's eye.
But Wainwright also pokes merciless fun at himself.
Mr. Trillin said his most effective political stance, at least in verse, had always been to make merciless fun of whoever was in power or even lurking anywhere near it.
And for me, who as a child used to make merciless fun of the way my American father spoke French, being taken as an insider is a point of pride.
The younger Mr. Leonard could have made merciless fun of Tony.
Fussell had merciless fun scrutinizing "the pathos of these constant assertions of selfhood."