The publishers, according to Purdy, believed that he was mentally insane.
Damphouse is revealed to be mentally insane, and is always in a fit of rage.
Ted refused to see her and under Jethro's advice, agreed to pretend to be mentally insane.
He was a 10 year old juvenile delinquent living with foster parents while his mom was at a hospital for the mentally insane.
A mentally insane patient who in his mind is an amazing actor escapes from a psychiatric hospital.
It is a concept album about the mentally insane.
Many of the inmates were not mentally insane, they were just sent there under rare circumstances.
Shagufta has a mother who is mentally insane and a brother affected by Down Syndrome.
A local clairvoyant once claimed that this ghost may be the spirit of a young female who was mentally insane.
Since then, Crossmore became a prison for the mentally insane.