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Her education, she said, is in social work and mental health.
Education also has an important role in the mental health field.
Mental health workers know how to get them off the street.
What can parents do to help children with mental health problems?
You may also find programs through your mental health care team.
He also had a number of other mental health issues.
As a result, they have been getting special attention from the mental health team.
In either situation the mental health state of the woman may be significant.
Which made me feel a little better about my own mental health, at least.
One way to think about mental health is by looking at how well a person lives.
Here are some ways you can help others better understand mental health problems.
A lot of people who live on the street have serious mental health issues.
Children with mental health issues - What to watch for and where to get support.
Are there current or past mental health problems in the family?
Probably because she'd never been a picture of mental health.
For the first couple of weeks she had to report back to the mental health people in this area.
"They've become a very important force in mental health policy."
"He's just looking out for his medical and mental health."
So in the long run mental health services are cost effective.
Women use mental health services at a greater rate than men.
But if it's mental health, then you call some other number, another company.
Brown continued working in the mental health area for the next few years.
We need real mental health care in this country, not just a strong patients' bill of rights.
Part of the problem, he said, is that "the federal government has never put up any real money for children's mental health services."
But there is nothing simple about the language of mental health.