It was the occasion for simplistic mental diversion.
This is what causes so many to engage in a sort of mental diversion.
Escapism is mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation, as an "escape" from the perceived unpleasant or banal aspects of daily life.
No wonder he had sought to amuse himself by engaging in what he had thought was a slight mental diversion.
Still, the time Seurat had spent engaging in military games and other mental diversions with Vorian Atreides more than compensated for the differences.
To the Editor: David Brooks implies that attempts to find and understand the terrorists' reasons for killing are a form of "mental diversion."
The intellectual boredom of the group has led them to invent various social experimental and mental diversions, the most important of which is referred to as "the City."
A mental diversion . . . a form of mental anesthesia.
Of all the measures that may be employed to overcome this manifestation of pregnancy the most fundamental and essential is mental diversion.
And if it did double, the profile of these cases would surely be even more of a mental diversion than it had been to date.