It produces about 200 megawatt hours of electricity per month.
His plant uses 28,000 megawatt hours of energy a year.
Earlier in the year, prices often surpassed $300 a megawatt hour.
At the beginning of 2000, the mine was paying $26 a megawatt hour, up from $19 the year before.
In contrast, the peak price on Wednesday was less than $65 per megawatt hour.
For a peak period on Friday, the wholesale price has already been set at $229 a megawatt hour.
The 10-year average generation for the Project is 365,000 megawatt hours.
After six months of buying power for about $250 a megawatt hour, the utilities ran into deep financial trouble.
The plant is designed to supply 7,000 megawatt hours per year.
In some cases power sold for $4,000 per megawatt hour, the standard unit of measurement.