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The money from gasoline taxes no longer comes close to meeting needs.
Others, recognizing the importance of meeting needs, are looking for affordable ways to provide the services.
But even there, it has had trouble meeting needs.
In fact, a commonly cited definition of marketing is simply "meeting needs profitably."
It's all about meeting needs and performing.
Needs: universal human needs, as distinct from particular strategies for meeting needs.
An additional constraint on meeting needs and allocating the funds available has been the implementing capacity of the aid agencies.
That's not in and of itslelf a bad thing - delivery via charities may well be an effective way of meeting needs.
An ongoing community organization continues to meet after Robinson leaves to guide blacks of the community in resolving problems and meeting needs.
Love is meeting needs, which means that anyone motivated to love automatically assumes a burden to discover what the needs are.
This practice dictates that there is only so much money available and so meeting needs, and therefore needs themselves, must fit within financial constraints.
Benefits of resource utilization may include increased wealth, meeting needs or wants, proper functioning of a system, or enhanced well being.
A split R.ßxistence has more to do with their inability to integrate their Bheeds and life into God's ways of meeting needs.
Later in therapy, as the patient's healthy adult mode becomes stronger, she will enter images that include the vulnerable child mode and take the lead in meeting needs.
In the RSI model, human beings form power-sharing social systems in which they share responsibility for meeting needs and making choices that shape the social system's future.
"We are very interested in doing an appropriate job in meeting needs of women and have created an advisory group who are patients and sisters and mothers of patients."
These trips may include visits to missionaries working in the field, meeting needs in the local community, and helping a country school or providing food and basic resources to a deprived area.
Meeting Needs of Aging Drivers State licensing agencies, highway departments, traffic safety groups like AAA, carmakers, doctors and pharmacists can help older drivers drive safely.
"He believes it will make an enormous contribution to meeting needs in this country, to expanding opportunities and revitalizing citizenship, and he is determined to move forward just as quickly as practicable."
Its purpose and mission is to enable professionals with knowledge and competence in transportation and traffic engineering to contribute individually and collectively towards meeting needs for mobility and safety within Canada.
The framework can offer the opportunity, not only to raise the staff's awareness of the issues which surround the concept of meeting needs, but hopefully to challenge some of the traditional dogmas which beset it.
NVC is based on the idea that all human beings have the capacity for compassion and only resort to violence or behavior that harms others when they don't recognize more effective strategies for meeting needs.
Over the last two decades, ADE has become a renowned systems establishment meeting needs of Indian armed forces in the field of military aviation with in-house development of state-of-the-art systems and technologies.
Thus they feel that the labour theory of value cannot serve as the basis for an allocative system that aims at both meeting needs and, at the same time, securing consumer sovereignty and freedom of choice.
Echoing a vow made in his State of the Union address, Mr. Bush said: "We're going to eliminate or vastly reduce 150 programs that aren't meeting needs, aren't meeting priorities and are not getting the job done.