All I have to do is look at the medical profession and what it has been turned into to understand that.
Look how difficult it is for women to get on in the medical or legal profession!
The medical profession is the only one which a man may enter at any age with some chance of making a living.
The medical profession was the most significant group in support of the new legislation.
"And that she was going to be a credit to the medical profession."
My sister has shown me the hard work and training behind the medical profession.
The medical profession aren't coming out of this very well, are they?
"One who would be doing the medical profession a great service by leaving it."
The medical profession can be expected to lead in this effort.
Is this too much to ask of the medical profession?
Medical science has also come out with a drug for the problem.
But I think medical science has come a long way.
Medical science cannot now, and perhaps never will be able to, answer that question.
At the hospital she was given every test known to medical science.
Whatever the effect was, it wasn't anything known to their medical science.
It opened up the whole of medical science, for example.
At least medical science could deal with it, that's the point.
There is nothing that medical science can do for my father.
The term has been used in medical science since the middle of the 20th century.
It is known that he wrote at least two books on medical science.