If there is a medical contraindication to beta-blockers, eg.
Three remains a group of patients, however, who are either unsuitable for general anaesthaeisia because of medical contraindications or who wish to conserve their gall bladders.
Patients with resectable disease who have medical contraindications to surgery are candidates for curative radiation therapy.
Radiation therapy with curative intent (for potentially operable tumors in patients with medical contraindications to surgery).
But this one device made no sense; no instruction manuals, schematics, or medical contraindications existed for it, anywhere.
Patients who have medical contraindications to surgery should be treated with radiation therapy alone, but inferior cure rates below those attained with surgery may occur.
Immediately below this table is a form for medical contraindications to vaccinations (contre-indictation médicale à la vaccination).
All states allow medical exemptions for persons who have medical contraindication to vaccination.
An absolute medical contraindication is pregnancy.
Relative medical contraindications are: