Seasoned media watchers have been much concerned with Richard Ingrams of late.
But the shuttering of her show was seen as a second strike by competitors and media watchers keeping or settling scores.
The announcement surprised many media watchers who expected chief operating officer Robert Pittman to take the helm.
Nevertheless, "mainstream press coverage [of this persecution] is tepid and understated as a rule;" according to some media watchers.
Some media watchers complain that these debates are really just afterthoughts accompanying the titillating material, like think pieces in Playboy.
Even veteran media watchers are expressing dismay.
At that point, media watchers will be counting the days until Zucker gets fired.
Mr. Davis's clients, like Mayor Willie Brown, and his favored civic projects tend to get positive coverage in The Independent, some local media watchers say.
FOX's success has led some of its news competitors to ape it by becoming friendlier to conservatives - a phenomenon that media watchers call the FOX Effect.
The game, the media watchers say, is the big corporations' to lose.