To fight that prejudice and make media planning easier, the Cable Advertising Bureau has developed a system.
DeutschMedia won the media planning portion of Circuit City's advertising account, business worth an estimated $150 million, according to a report in Adweek.
Mr. Bizzak, who works in media planning at Ogilvy & Mather, says he looked around from the doorway, made a rude comment, and said, "Let's go."
Tracking whether ads ran when they were scheduled and whether the promised number of viewers actually tuned in is a key responsibility of media planning agencies.
He was previously the director of media planning at Wieden & Kennedy, Philadelphia.
"The writing is going to be critical," said George Hayes, director of media planning at the McCann-Erickson advertising agency in New York.
Bob Steinhilber, 37, who had been media planning director at Waring & LaRosa, will continue in that position and report to Mr. Rose.
Media Edge is the first outside agency to handle media planning for Combe as well as spot-broadcast and print buying.
George Hayes, the senior vice president-director of media planning at McCann- Erickson, said the The News faced a formidable challenge.
Miss Rosen, 25 years old, is an account executive at Bohbot Communications, a media planning company in New York.