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Such a complex should include up to 15 measurement stations.
The measurement station is located five kilometres from the river's confluence with the Moselotte.
This means that no new measurement stations are actually required and no new costs envisaged.
Most measurement stations in Europe (over 700)
Additionally the limited streamer tubes and plastic scintillation detectors are part of the measurement stations.
There is a surface water measurement station found in the range at Dandahra Creek that was opened on 10 May 1972.
A typical application area could be a mobile measurement station, where several devices can be supplied with power from a single distribution unit.
The seismometers record movements in all 3 possible directions independently (such devices also have other application areas like long-term measurement stations).
Member States will have to inform the Commission about measurement methods, numbers and locations of measurement stations every year.
More than 65 countries currently host and operate the GAW's global or regional measurement stations.
Additionally, the experiment design will ideally be such that the settings for each measurement are not determined by any earlier event, at both measurement stations.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement station at Barrow, Alaska.
Conversely, height determined by spirit leveling from a tidal measurement station, as in traditional land surveying, will always be geoidal height.
Thirdly, the Committee on Petitions and the Ombudsman, together, are the key measurement station, if you will, for a citizen-friendly Europe.
Several measurement stations were installed along the test tracks to monitor stresses in the track and ballast, noise, aerodynamic effects, and catenary dynamics.
The Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service has a permanent measurement station at Zavižan.
Data from more than 700 air quality measurement stations across Europe are transmitted to the EEA in Copenhagen on an hourly basis.
In 1985, AMCA expanded its scope to include air control devices, such as louvers, dampers, and airflow measurement stations.
On the mountain Schauinsland the BfS operates an international measurement station for gamma dose rate probe calibration and long term tests.
Tall insulated metallic objects can absorb these voltage gradients out of the atmosphere, and conduct the voltage to a terrestrial collection and measurement station.
To provide an estimate of the ozone status in areas between measurement stations, a statistical calculation (interpolation) is carried out on the ozone data received by the EEA.
Examples are repeater stations in mobile communication networks, measurement stations, off-grid housing, village DC grids, and off-grid water pump stations.
The main monitoring devices of these stations were telemetry and trajectory measurement stations, "Tral," developed by OKB MEI.
The national gauging station network was established in its current form by the early 1970s and consists of approximately 1500 flow measurement stations supplemented by a variable number of temporary monitoring sites.
Amendment No 32 is a compromise text for the siting of measurement stations in small areas of sensitive eco-systems which I believe is a considerable improvement on the Commission text.