The Government's policies have meant more choice sorry, and higher standards in educational spending per pupil.
In the Mayor's view, Catholic schools mean high academic standards, minimal administrative overhead, sound discipline and active participation by parents.
A member of the audience asked how to make excellence, by which she appeared to mean high standards for students and teachers, compatible with equity.
Daddy said the other night, about nothing in particular, How fast things change, probably meaning values and standards of behaviour.
Dr. Dean said that was shorthand and that he meant international standards.
And a third: differential responses don't always mean double standards.
If by "society" you mean the mores and cultural standards held by the majority of individuals, you may be right.
A long period of sustained underinvestment means lower standards of living at home and diminished power to exert influence abroad.
Universal human rights also means universal standards and potential criticism.
That means our wages and standards go down or Mexico's go up.