In most cases, therefore, the maximum reduction obtainable will be 80% of the tax on which penalties are chargeable.
Each year of marriage to a Danish citizen reduces the requirement by one year, to a maximum reduction of 3 years.
Optimal distribution for maximum reduction of lift-induced drag is elliptical in shape.
What is the maximum reduction that one can make in the width of the channel for upstream flow to remain same as before?
In the first year, the Cuomo proposal would provide a maximum reduction of up to $126 for a family with two children.
"And you want the maximum reduction that is consistent with safety."
Instead, it tells the air resources board to come up with a plan for the "maximum feasible reduction" in emissions.
Minimum sound leakage and maximum reduction of ambient noise.
The greenhouse effect is presented in such a way as to lead to a call for maximum reduction of emissions.