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The most common solution is a production effect called matte painting.
The rest of the motel in the film was a matte painting.
Another artist in the paint department has been working on a matte painting of the town.
I did a few more matte painting shots to slow it down.
Film matte painting grew directly out of this special effects tradition.
Computers have added a whole new dimension to matte paintings.
Eventually, your hope is to get a job specifically within the matte painting department of an effects house or studio.
The result is a realistic composite image of the live action and the matte painting.
The matte painting of the planet's surface now includes the research station structure.
The use of matte painting backdrops are also used to complete the look.
The disintegration effect took 144 separate matte paintings to create.
It is also in a matte painting of the entire hangar bay.
He has been producing matte paintings and illustrations for over 15 years.
As this was dark, it did not matter that the matte painting and models were rushed late in production.
In modern cinema, traditional film matte painting has been replaced by digital effects.
The matte painting was then drawn to exactly match the proportion and perspective to the live action shot.
In terms of matte paintings, this was the biggest show that Helman had ever done.
Finally, they run the partially exposed negative back through the camera and film the scene with the glass matte painting in place.
He did matte paintings and concept art for these pictures:
Read about Photoshop matte painting in the next section.
Nowadays, digital matte paintings are rarely confined to 2-D images.
His work also includes advertising photography, digital matte painting and comic books.
The entire background was a 3D projection of matte paintings and dramatic skies.
The first digitally-manipulated matte painting is used, in Die Hard 2.
The matte paintings, limited in number, had to look good and 3-D on a fairly large scale - and they did.