A mathematical constant is a number, which has a special meaning for calculations.
In contrast to physical constants, mathematical constants do not come from physical measurements.
Symbols for physical quantities and mathematical constants: "The speed of light, c, is approximately equal to 3.00x10 m/s."
A mathematical constant is a special number, usually a real number, that is "significantly interesting in some way".
Integer relation algorithms are then used to search for relations between these values and mathematical constants.
This is a list of mathematical constants sorted by their representations as continued fractions.
Google's bids for a pool of wireless patents were based on mathematical constants, say sources.
He has calculated certain important mathematical constants accurately to more than two hundred places of decimals.
Plouffe's Inverter is a web site that contains 215 million mathematical constants as of June 3, 2012.
These standard symbols and their values are called mathematical constants.