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Less well known, and relevant to materials scientists are two new possibilities.
But materials scientists still only have a very fuzzy understanding of how fuel cells work.
He sets his hopes on materials scientists: "It's their turn now."
Characterization is the way materials scientists examine the structure of a material.
Now we need to spend more time with materials scientists and people who make devices to see how this amazing compound can be used.
A team of materials scientists finally produced a second, vibrant blue phosphor early in 2001.
This finding reveals another natural template that materials scientists can study and copy.
Professor Grunlan is a materials scientist, and his research focuses on three projects.
You might not expect all of these people to work together: vision experts, biologists, materials scientists, electrical engineers.
Did it occur to you that it might just be a bad idea to fire our senior materials scientist?
Materials Scientists are involved in finding the answer.
The seminar is billed as an event for young materials scientists to network and interact.
Southeastern Virginia is a rich resource for both the materials scientist and historical researcher.
On Tuesday, the safety board took the unusual step of calling its chief materials scientist from his laboratory to the crash site.
Dr. Cohen was the first materials scientist to receive the award.
Ajayan said at the time that the creation offered "a great playground for materials scientists."
Materials scientists will still have to add other complications to their computer simulations like the effects of impurities.
So even though glass is a hard substance, it never quite becomes a proper solid, according to chemists and materials scientists.
The microscope has transformed the work of chemists, physicists and materials scientists.
He is an associate professor of pathology who studies biomaterials, not a materials scientist.
Her father, a materials scientist, is a consultant to medical device manufacturers in Chesterfield.
They have the rigid molecular structures and hydrophobicity that materials scientists know work well.
All of these properties are of great relevance to materials scientists and physicists.
Crystallography is used by materials scientists to characterize different materials.
I am working at the Canadian Space Agency as a materials scientist.
Out of this new science have come the new materials engineers.
How do Materials Engineers fit in and what are the challenges they face?
Over the last 20 years, has contributed to several major projects as materials engineer and quality assurance specialist.
Arulanandan returned to Ghana in 1959 to work as a senior materials engineer.
Ever talked to a materials engineers specializing in plastics?
This is not surprising—he’s a materials engineer and university professor, careers that do not usually attract political animals.
"You can always make a plant safer," said William Shack, a materials engineer and member of the safety committee.
Materials engineers design and develop ways to use plastics to produce materials that are useful.
Xiao Zhenya, a 57-year-old materials engineer, began making serious preparations for retirement only in the past few years.
His father, a materials engineer impressed by the orchestra's cooperative philosophy, said he was happy to drive his son the two hours each way.
In order to produce a new material effectively, the Materials Engineer must also plan and develop the equipment needed to make new products.
Some materials engineers may be involved with developments in high technology but all sectors of the market require a materials engineering input.
Materials engineers are in demand all around the world, as well as here in Western Australia.
Metallurgical and materials engineers are employed in mining, metal processing and manufacturing companies.
Once developed, Materials Engineers work to test the new materials and even find new uses for it.
As qualified chemical and materials engineers, we will design cost efficient and durable equipment suited to your particular situation.
Materials engineers may perform the following tasks:
Materials Engineers can draw too!
"That's the holy grail for materials engineers."
However, in recent years its use as an electrode material has been increasingly more common as materials engineers have overcome the electronic conductivity issue.
Her father retired as the chief materials engineer of Ebasco Inc., a New York engineering company.
Materials Engineers may work in diverse areas, particularly those where chemical, electrical, manufacturing and mining Engineers find employment.
Materials engineers can specialise as:
November 20 - Michael F. Ashby, English materials engineer.
Studies of the production of shells and coral are no longer solely for zoologists: materials engineers are now becoming interested.