The recommended cuts in spending on the navy were translated into a 10% pay cut (matching 10% cuts across the board for public sector workers) for officers and senior ratings, and for all junior ratings on the "new rate" of pay (introduced for new entrants from 1925).
Still, it seemed a plausible enough target for Republicans determined to match cuts in Congressional staff with trims in executive branch operations.
The Digital Equipment Corporation slashed prices on its personal computers, matching cuts by Apple Computer and Dell Computer earlier in the week.
Prices had plunged on Monday, following OPEC's decision not to match the production cuts offered by seven nations.
The stunts took various forms: demonstrating yoga positions, matching cuts of meat to a picture of a cow, or even firing hard candies at small chocolate bunnies using a slingshot.
Later, a team of boys is beaten - physically and on the scoreboard - in a violent rugby match against the masters; the scene then match cuts to Part III.
Shortly after its announcement on April 9, American had to cut its fares again on April 21 to match cuts made by other carriers like Trans World Airlines and USAir.
At a time of military conflict and enormous expenses for homeland security, the Republican-led Congress has generally ignored the need to match spending with revenue in passing the president's $1.7 trillion tax cuts.
Navy spending cuts were translated into a 10% pay cut (matching 10% cuts across the board for public sector workers).