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And suddenly they seemed more like marionettes than children to her.
He felt like a marionette whose strings had been cut.
He went down like a marionette with its strings cut.
With up to 36 strings each, these marionettes really move.
You said I laughed like a small child watching a marionette show.
He turned like a marionette and retreated into the night.
I hope they were able to see one of the fantastic marionette shows as we did.
Then it was as if he were a marionette whose strings had been cut.
Perhaps they had even walked him here, prompting his body to move like a marionette.
It was one of his few plays intended for marionettes.
They faced a marionette theatre at the far end of the room.
The tall man before him jerked as if he were a marionette.
The show, he said, impelled him into the world of marionettes.
Baird had done marionette shows long before he came to television.
She had been easy, a marionette on strings without knowing it.
Marionettes are a staple of everyday life in the game's world.
Even Marionette was smiling until she saw my glare, turned away.
The thing came up out of the cabin like a marionette with all its strings cut.
It is believed that the term marionette emerged around 1600.
The school had the first marionette department in the United States.
Far from being a marionette, they say, he was actively involved in planning the attacks.
Democrats, in turn, said Republicans were the marionettes of large corporations and insurance companies.
She slowly circled the horrible marionette in the center of the room.
Fully exploiting this ability, he can turn anyone into his own marionette.
Diane had stopped enjoying herself and was beginning to feel like a marionette.