He smiled at the double entendre and went to collect the fresh baby carrots.
Kovac shrugged a little and picked a baby carrot from a tray on the table.
By the mid-1990s, the company was able to process millions of pounds of baby carrots a day.
They belong in the same gastronomic league, he insists, with baby carrots.
Or you could just open up a bag of baby carrots and serve them with that homemade aromatic oil.
How many times have I told you not to use words like "baby carrots"!
Some veggies - like snap peas and baby carrots - don't need to be cut.
Major carrot companies followed their lead, and the baby carrot is now one of the industry's top sellers.
And we're not talking about trying to fool yourself into thinking a baby carrot is actually a Snickers bar.
The rice pilaf and the baby carrots were ready to be served.