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If the small entrance in the door of a large gate has a high threshold, it may be called a manway.
You can't possibly get down that half-ruined manway tonight, so let's see how I feel in the morning.
Access to the motor room on an autoclave with an internal fan drive is through the back door or a manway.
A 2" polypropylene fitting is installed directly across from the manway.
Leakage around manway & handhole covers which again, may result in expensive repairs.
Double compartment shaft plus a manway (the section with the trapdoor and ladder).
Manway access, sampling points and flexible gas extraction pipes can be fitted to suit client individual requirement.
A few minutes later, the operator heard a loud hissing and saw vapor venting from the reactor manway.
Large Inventory of the most common sizes of handhole & manway gaskets available in Canada.
The manway continues uphill to the site of "the Clubhouse," which was a lodge used by Ritter executives and dignitaries.
They found the manway ladder and began to climb, Fenrir and Sigyn impatiently crowding their heels.
Born in Don Manway, County Cork, Ireland, Hammett studied theology.
If, for instance, a sixty-horsepower internally mounted fan motor has to be man-handled through a small manway or access port, the potential for trouble is unavoidable.
An unmarked manway leads from the Hazel Creek Trail to the sawmill site, where the walls of the sawmill still stand.
A faint manway rises from Guyot Spring to the northern summit, although the manway is heavily overgrown.
The Total Lindsey Oil Refinery in North Lincolnshire has been fined after a worker suffered serious burns when he stepped into an open manway lid and hit molten sulphur below.
There is also a 1" RJT female fitting for overflow, a 1.5" RJT female with stainless steel additives funnel and a top entry manway with hinged door.
When an internal overflow pipe is used on elevated tanks, it should be located within or adjacent to the access manway, such that it is visible from the outside when the access hatch is open; 2.
The vessel has a two piece removable wedge wire floor, side entry outward opening manway, a 1" RJT female outlet point for wort recirculation and a 1.5" RJT female bottom outlet.
The person who provides the information must include an analysis of how a release could occur (e.g., damage to a valve, a manway cover, a frangible disk or a container wall) and how any released dangerous goods could react.
Nuclear: cast components as elbows, pump and valve bodies, tubes, pipes composed of loops for the primary circuit and forging parts such as tubes, valve bodies, manway pads, heat exchanger, feed water nozzle and other various components.
In steam power plants, MJTs are used on boiler feed pump head and barrel casings, boiler circ pump main flanges, stop valves, control valves, turbine couplings, stay rods, manway doors, inlet flanges, and feedwater heaters.
Across the floor, past Abyssinian Avenue, Manx Manway and Turkish Angora Trail, was Cherry Pop's former owner, Diane Silverman of Tamarac, Fla., a breeder who manned a booth with Lise Girard, a professional groomer.
The vessel has a domed stainless steel top with manway entrance and 2" IDF top inlet point for filling and CIP. The base of the vessel has a slight cone leading to a central outlet point with a 1.5" IDF female fitting.