"And I have a lot more confidence in the manufacturing expertise and the pure tire engineering in 1994."
Mitsubishi's operational strengths include cost-effective manufacturing expertise, vast engineering resources and possession proprietary powertrain.
Michigan is working hard to do it's share, diversifying manufacturing expertise beyond automobiles to become a leader in clean energy products.
Mr. Imaki is well known in Japan for his manufacturing expertise.
Even in his 18 years at Ford, its engineers recognized the quality of Toyota's cars and its manufacturing expertise, he said.
Henry Crimmel, who already had over 25 years of glassmaking experience when he joined the company, provided the manufacturing expertise after the firm's reorganization.
He is best known for his manufacturing expertise, which has helped Mazda become one of the world's most flexible automobile manufacturers.
Saksun applied his manufacturing expertise to the golf world in the mid-1970s.
It is expected to contribute its manufacturing expertise and worldwide distribution channels as well as its design know-how in areas such as screens.
Worse, our engineers are losing the manufacturing expertise required for these products.