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Fraxinus floribunda - Himalayan Manna Ash
Fraxinus ornus - Manna Ash or Flowering Ash
manna ash (Fraxinus ornus)
Oaks and the accompanying silver leafed lime, manna ash, yoke elm, and field maple occupy the hilly area in the centre of the park.
The Manna ash (Fraxinus ornus) is also a known host, although it is less susceptible than the other European ash species.
The Manna Ash, native to southern Europe and southwest Asia, produces a blue-green sap, which has medicinal value as a mild laxative, demulcent, and weak expectorant.
In Greek mythology, the Meliae were nymphs of the ash, perhaps specifically of the Manna Ash (Fraxinus ornus), as dryads were nymphs of the oak.
On shallow carbon grounds in the vicinity of the waterfall, there are termofil forests and underbrushes of eastern hornbeam and autumn locust as well as eastern hornbeam and manna ash.
The genus name comes directly from the Latin cicada meaning "buzzer", while the species name orni possibly comes from Fraxinus ornus (Manna Ash or South European Flowering Ash), where this cicada often lay its eggs deep in branches.
In a modern botanical context, manna is often used to refer to the secretions of various plants, especially of certain shrubs and trees, and in particular the sugars obtained by evaporating the sap of the Manna Ash, extracted by making small cuts in the bark.
Up in the Madonie mountains - a wild part of Sicily known for its manna ash trees, which are still tapped to produce the sweet resin that famously rained from heaven in the Bible - I ate in a rustic trattoria called Nangalarruni (0921 671 428; www.hostarianangalarruni.it).
Landour is for the most part (unlike largely deforested Mussoorie) carpeted by old-growth forests of Deodar Cedar, Himalayan Oak, Chir Pine, Blue Pine, West Himalayan Fir, Himalayan Maple, Rhododendron, Himalayan Manna Ash and other tree species.
Fraxinus ornus,
Fraxinus ornus marks the submediterranean zone at region below 600-1000 m (from N to S).
The larvae feed on Fraxinus excelsior and Fraxinus ornus.
In Sicily, it is cultivated as a source of a plant sap product called manna (see Fraxinus ornus).
It is closely related to Fraxinus ornus from Europe and southwest Asia, sharing similar flower characters.
The species of ash in the mountains of Greece is the Manna-ash (Fraxinus ornus).
Fraxinus ornus - Manna Ash or Flowering Ash
The Manna ash (Fraxinus ornus) is also a known host, although it is less susceptible than the other European ash species.
Several trees and shrubs can produce a substance called manna, such as the "manna tree" (Fraxinus ornus) from whose secretions mannitol was originally isolated.
Oleaceae - Fraxinus excelsior, Fraxinus ornus, Syringa vulgaris
The name is derived from μηλια, the Greek word Theophrastus (c. 371 - c. 287 BC) used for Fraxinus ornus, which has similar leaves.
In moister areas are to be found Nerium oleander, Platanus orientalis, Fraxinus ornus, Laurus nobilis, Cupressus sempervirens and Rubus fruticosus.
Fraxinus ornus is frequently grown as an ornamental tree in Europe north of its native range, grown for its decorative flowers (the species is also sometimes called "Flowering Ash").
In Greek mythology, the Meliae were nymphs of the ash, perhaps specifically of the Manna Ash (Fraxinus ornus), as dryads were nymphs of the oak.
Thyrrenian mixed oak forests are dominated by mixed sclerophyllous evergreen oak Quercus ilex, Quercus suber and deciduous species such as Quercus pubescens, Fraxinus ornus, Ostrya carpinifolia.
Stefanova Z, Neychev H, Ivanovska N, Kostova I. Effect of a total extract from Fraxinus ornus stem bark and esculin on zymosan- and carrageenan-induced paw oedema in mice.
The dominant species of the lower zones include various deciduous oaks (Quercus frainetto, Q. pubescens, Q. cerris), Carpinus orientalis, Fraxinus ornus with Cotinus coggygria, Paliurus spina-christi, Cercis siliquastrum.
Although Xertigny's brewery closed in 1966 and the château now houses the town government, the arboretum preserves many of the park's old trees, including fine specimens of Araucaria, Cladastris lutea, Douglas fir, Fraxinus ornus, and Sequoiadendron (45 meters).
The genus name comes directly from the Latin cicada meaning "buzzer", while the species name orni possibly comes from Fraxinus ornus (Manna Ash or South European Flowering Ash), where this cicada often lay its eggs deep in branches.
Its major plant species are Pinus brutia, Juniperus phoenicea, with broad-leaved trees and shrubs: Ulmus campestris, Acer sempervirens, Fraxinus ornus, Castanea sativa, Tilia platyphyllos, Sorbus torminalis, Viburnum tinus, Pyrus eleagrifolia and Prunus dulcis.
In Greek mythology, méli, or "honey", drips from the Manna-ash, (Fraxinus ornus), with which the Meliae, or "ash tree nymphs", nursed the infant god Zeus on the island of Crete, (as in the Hymn to Zeus by Callimachus).
At lowest elevations the forests are characterized by the dominance of sclerophyllous evergreen oak Quercus ilex and Quercus suber, coniferous Pinus pinea (Italian Stone Pine), and deciduous Quercus pubescens, Fraxinus ornus, Ostrya carpinifolia forests.
Today the arboretum contains about 3200 individual plants of approximately 1000 specimens, including mature specimens of Abies grandis, Abies nordmanniana, Fraxinus ornus, Juglans ailantifolia, Mespilus germanica, Quercus alba, Quercus castaneifolia, Quercus dentata, and Quercus trojana.
The arboretum was created in 1905 by Charles Flahault (1852-1935), and contains species including Abies numidica, Acer campestris, Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus ornus, Gingko biloba, Larix spp., Maclura pomifera, Populus tremulus, Sequoiadendron, Taxus baccata, and Toxylon pomiferum.
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