The newspaper covers fundraising, accounting, managerial issues and human resource management.
Have aims and objectives been identified in the early stages and are these goals related to managerial issues?
It focuses on the "managerial issues and challenges brought about by the increasing pace of technological advancement globally".
With all these very modern managerial issues on the table, does anyone ever get nostalgic for the struggles of earlier days?
These programmes are designed to provide new techniques for effective handling of managerial and operational issues.
The software helps students learn basic accounting concepts on their own thereby freeing up class time for discussions of managerial issues.
This appears to be more of a managerial and political issue than a physical one.
But what Clinton was beginning to understand was that government's failures weren't arcane managerial issues; they were questions of public trust.
Ban has spoken chiefly of managerial issues and from all appearances is a very recent convert to the cause of human rights.
"To some extent the issues are managerial issues," he said, "like how do we address needs in education and health care with a limited budget."