With typical managerial incompetence, however, I was detailed instead to the rooftop of the multistorey building opposite Stewart Street police office.
Detective Scott's lawyer Eric Sanders was quoted as saying "The collective managerial incompetence has led to the downfall of this elite unit."
But the lawsuits come at a time when the Interior Department is already under fire from Congress, accused of covering up ethical lapses and managerial incompetence.
In teaching, Glasgow has been a byword for low standards, managerial incompetence and petty corruption for quite some time.
Physicians will advise that they are incensed by the managerial incompetence.
"Our findings suggest that banks continue to fail the old-fashioned way: through managerial incompetence," Mr. Clarke said in a speech to financial industry officials.
Mismanagement, managerial incompetence, and crippling restrictions from the first bankruptcy deal also contributed to Tower's demise.
On 19 May 2004, the official investigators found that managerial incompetence and systems failures were the main cause for the accident.
An innovative company with exciting products was killed by what appears to be stubborn managerial incompetence.
Indeed, she is startled by sexism, bureaucratic indifference and managerial incompetence.