The search was undertaken several hours after another small fire broke out in the building, which housed seven of the market's major wholesalers.
The bodegas all bought supplies from either of the two major wholesalers.
In the mid-1980s, Fleming Companies, Inc., at the time a major wholesaler, bought the majority of the stores and took over supplying them.
Downtown commerce and industries were mostly light manufacturing, major wholesalers and retailers, banks and insurance companies.
Government officials are shown helping Fuji take control of the major wholesalers, who refuse to do business with Kodak.
The major wholesalers all say they are losing money on magazine distribution.
The publishers, the bookstore chains and major wholesalers all track the sales of books that she features, sometimes daily.
In the first half of the 20th century, this market was the major wholesaler for the entire city.
Faced with the loss of four major wholesalers, New York City's flower industry is fighting to remain in Manhattan.
Mass-produced student instruments, sold under many brands including Regal through all major wholesalers.