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Conversely, good adjustment is more likely to ensure the maintenance of health during retirement.
Maintenance of health in the long term depends on the management protocols which control the animals' welfare and staff access.
Physical training and maintenance of health and strength were the chief parts of children's earlier education.
Thus, maintenance of health requires the body to recognize all pathogens (antigens they present or produce) likely to exist.
According to Israeli officials, the taxes Palestinians pay in the occupied territories are used for the maintenance of health services, schools and transportation.
The key question in health behavior research is how to predict and modify the adoption and maintenance of health behaviors.
The exact function of sleep is unproven, but it is believed to be important in the maintenance of health and body repair.
The philosophy of healthcare is the study of the ethics, processes, and people which constitute the maintenance of health for human beings.
Blusheld involves herself only with the maintenance of health and thus will not concern herself with this case-it's too late to ask her aid.
Taking purely environmental factors first, we can see that diet is of great importance in both the maintenance of health and in the production of disease.
Life-course approaches emphasize the accumulated effects of experience across the life span in understanding the maintenance of health and the onset of disease.
Digestive or exocrine function of pancreas is as significant to the maintenance of health as its endocrine function.
In the past poverty standards have sometimes been defined in terms of the cost of buying the minimum basket of goods regarded as necessary for the maintenance of health.
An adequate, well-balanced diet is one of the most important factors in the maintenance of health in older people, and the lack of it is responsible for many preventable illnesses.
HAPA suggests that the adoption, initiation, and maintenance of health behaviors should be conceived of as a structured process including a motivation phase and a volition phase.
It involves the application of natural, physical, and biological sciences on the performance of laboratory procedures, which aid in the diagnosis and treatment of disease and the maintenance of health.
It is believed that they can merge with nature and thus utilize the powerful impact of nature for defense against disease and maintenance of health by intake of Chinese herb tea.
The reference to Hygiene in the institution's title is not to do with the current translation of cleanliness but instead refers to the older term which generalises it as the maintenance of health.
The first use of therapeutic exercise for the treatment of disease and maintenance of health is credited to him, and he is believed to have been one of the tutors of Hippocrates.
This medicalized scrutiny of the individual, and his/her role as an agent in the maintenance of health or the transmission of disease, formed a central tenet of medical discourse in the early twentieth century.
Then, in 1918, amid wartime worries about the spread of venereal disease, Judge Frederick Crane ruled in a case brought to his New York appeals court that contraceptive devices were legal as instruments for the maintenance of health.
The AMS is responsible for advising commanders on the maintenance of health and prevention of disease in the Army in peace and, in addition, the collection, medical classification, evacuation and treatment of the sick and wounded in war.
It highlights the importance of puja - a basic form of Hindu worship - which it interprets as a symbolic payment of tribute, expressing a moral code that links the acceptance of hierarchy and social obligations with the maintenance of health and well-being.
Health information management (HIM) is the practice of maintenance and care of health records by traditional (paper-based) and electronic means in hospitals, physician's office clinics, health departments, health insurance companies, and other facilities that provide health care or maintenance of health records.
Ministries of Health throughout the world, however, have been converted, largely under the influence of doctors, into ministries of illness, in which policies aimed at the maintenance of health and the avoidance of illness have been ignored or left to others, with little understanding of their true nature.