Converted the Sueves to mainstream Christianity.
Hence in christological and doctrinal reference "mainstream Christianity" is often equivalent to "Trinitarianism."
'Then, rather than being a sect, they would be part of worldwide, mainstream Christianity.'
According to The Bereans Apologetics Research Ministry, some of the beliefs of INC are contrary to mainstream Christianity.
While in later years Christian groups such as the Gnostics would become prominent rivals to mainstream Christianity, Gnosticism was not yet a major concern at the time this Gospel was written.
The theological differences between this and mainstream Trinitarian Christianity are discussed under Arianism.
Already mainstream Christianity, Judaism and Islam lie defeated and emasculated by the very forces that ironically turned them into tolerant, open institutions.
The relationship between the Unification Church and mainstream Christianity has been marked by conflict and disagreement, as well as by cooperation at times.
Under Tkach, WCG adopted a theology in line with historic and mainstream Christianity.
Creationism is to mainstream Christianity what the views of Dawkins is to Science - extreme fundamentalism.