Those must have been magic words, because some of the fight left her.
There are no magic words I can say to them.
Will there be a magic word coming out of this game?
She was so close to living that it seemed one would only have to speak a certain magic word to bring her back to life.
But the magic words have little power against the rain.
A game without the magic words "on further review" may not be pretty.
It takes them about 5 minutes of discussion though since they're so used to hear the magic word left and right.
"I won't do it again," he said, trying the magic words for a second time, since they seemed to have had a good effect.
He had his mouth open to go on when she said the magic word "parents" and stopped.
For some reason, the key always ended up in the hands of a child and everyone knew the magic words after hearing them.
At the first magical word he utters, I'll slice him in two!
As every actor in this city knows, there may be no more magical words than those: I have a job.
The magical words "in confidence" seemed to be a kind of Open sesame.
Common people have learned a great deal in the last twenty-five years, and the old magical words do not fool them any more.
Finally, the fairy gave him the heart of Joan along with some magical words to repeat when seeing her.
These are still the most magical words in basketball.
Every comment I've heard has at least one of those magical four-letter words in it.
He was then bitterly offended when I used the magical words only a minute and a quarter later.
He whispered a few magical words and tossed it into the air.
He waved his serpent-bone one way and said magical words.