He seemed to have an almost magical power over them.
He was able to control the whole land by his magical power.
Only one thing held them back, his brother's magical power.
This is the reason why the Past has such magical power.
Away from the sea, the source of his magical power.
I don't yet know how they pull their magical power.
But his ring alone could not bring him the magical power he needed.
My magical powers tell me that you're thinking of the number 7.
He does not believe that No. 60 has any magical powers.
The magical power of words extended to the written word.
If it was, she'd have magic powers and could fight or get away.
If Felix takes a hit, his magic power goes down one level.
As the warrior, he has high physical strength but low magic power.
"We wanted speaking another language to be a magic power."
But her father had magic powers and suddenly turned his daughter into a tree.
Any one who wants magic powers can get them in dozens of different ways.
Perhaps magic powers weren't all they were cracked up to be.
I feel pretty much the same about books where characters have magic powers.
This source is still said to have some magic power.
For all his magic powers, there wasn't much he could do about it.