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The park is home to more than 1500 Japanese macaques.
The macaques are the largest group of mammals in the park.
About 338 of these macaques are reported to live in zoos.
An experiment was carried out with a mixed age group of macaques.
The total population of Japanese macaques has been estimated to be 114,431 monkeys.
In the group, macaques position themselves based on rank.
A recent study in macaques (following another one on the rat) has drastically changed the situation.
He knew all of the macaques by the names he himself had given them.
The identical primer set was used for both humans and macaques.
On one island the macaques lived in the forested interior.
Several of Japan's smaller islands are also inhabited by macaques.
In social groups of macaques, there is a clear dominance hierarchy among females.
During the experiments, the scientists had to wait for two macaques to sit together, facing one another.
Spoken references to macaques abound in the history of Japan.
As of 2012 there were from 200 to 250 macaques, all of them living in the nature reserve.
Density of macaques, however, is less correlated with the behavior than the other causes considered.
The other macaques were quarantined although they tested negative for the disease.
There are two reasons why the habit spread faster among the younger macaques.
Adult macaques do not seem to learn by imitation.
Unlike other macaques, the males participate in rearing the young.
However, it is not clear if macaques spontaneously imitate each other in the wild.
Only the colony of macaques look happy with their surroundings, with the.
There are also plenty of long-tailed macaques about - keep your food hidden!
The macaques flourished, and by 1995, the troop consisted of 500 to 600 individuals.
Consequently, people and long-tailed macaques live together in many locations.