It just seems they have a magnifying glass on him.
The second officer was 70 years old and used a magnifying glass to see.
I must look at them under much light with my magnifying glass.
He looked at the writing through a little magnifying glass.
In his later years, he had to read using a powerful magnifying glass.
"But everything we do is looked at with a magnifying glass."
The first time he gave me a check I had to use a magnifying glass to read the amount.
He took out a small magnifying glass to look at the pictures.
But that doesn't mean I'm ready for the magnifying glass.
"Everything is under a magnifying glass and has more attention to it."
Keep those eyes wide: Wear reading glasses if you need them.
She took off her reading glasses and set them on the table.
Her reading glasses were full of light when she looked at me.
I put the cube and the reading glass back on the table.
She caught his eye over the top of her reading glasses.
In it she can never find the car keys, her reading glasses or enough money.
He didn't know where the hell his reading glasses were.
Robert reached for his reading glasses and slipped them on.
The king held up a sheet of reed paper and a reading glass.
He hung up, put on his reading glasses, and set to work.