The sky was covered with lowering clouds, and there were occasionally flurries of snow.
It was snowing there, from black, lowering clouds; fat flakes drifting down through still, dark air.
Gradually, the sky darkened further and they felt the pressure of lowering clouds.
The sun had completely disappeared now, and the gray-ness under those lowering clouds approached twilight.
Kennedy exfiltrated the area at low level, with the ridgetops above them concealed by lowering clouds.
Two nations opening the curtains in the morning and looking at the same set of lowering clouds can interpret the weather in highly different ways.
Even "Grief" turns out to be a composite, with the dramatic, lowering clouds coming from a different negative.
They rode down into the valley, under lowering clouds, only to find a welcoming committee.
He saw the sky, filled with lowering clouds, and smelled the new-mown grass of the meadows.
But in the East the sky was dark, with black and lowering clouds that seemed almost to rest upon the land.