The various low-level noises produced by the hands and the objects generate a quiet, John Cage-style, surround-sound concert.
A new study by researchers from Cornell has found that even low-level noise in an open-style office setting can lead to measurably higher levels of stress.
Not only that, but employees in offices with low-level noise made fewer efforts to adjust their workstations, making them more susceptible to problems like repetitive strain injury.
The company has also done research on how noise-canceling headphones can help decrease symptoms of jet lag by reducing low-level noise that interferes with sleep.
Each signal then travels through a compander, where the signal is compressed to further eliminate low-level noise and is then expanded again.
"A lot of what is going on, to the public at large it is low-level noise," said Russ Schrieffer, a top Giuliani campaign official.
In mobile audio, use of a line driver allows an amplifier's gain to be set lower, reducing low-level noise.
Digital sampling introduces quantization error that manifests as low-level noise added to the reconstructed signal.
To the receiver, the signals of other users will appear to the demodulator only as a low-level noise.
Some springs can resonate, producing low-level unwanted noise.