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Low-set ears cause the head to appear to be too arched.
They have dark brown eyes and low-set ears that can reach at least the end of their muzzle.
He thought the houses, on the road, were low-set, as if for pygmies.
Long noses look shorter in frames with a low-set bridge.
Her big low-set black eyes looked at me imploringly.
In the end, the only harm to the artist's low-set house was some damage done to its stumps.
It is a large, low-set timber building with a broad gabled roof.
These now required a low-mounted drive, but still benefited from the stability effect of a low-set engine.
The 1907 north wing is a low-set building with equally spaced double- hung windows to three sides.
The station building was demolished in 1959 and replaced by a low-set building with a ticket office.
The low-set tailplane was braced by wires from the middle of the fin.
He pointed at a narrow, low-set iron door.
Compared to modern species, C. revelatus has a short, comparatively rounded head, and rather low-set eyes.
She had widely spaced eyes and low-set ears.
Elegant, graceful on the move with low-set tail.
This is a single-storey low-set timber building on stumps.
They are rounded through the barrel, and have a sloping croup with a low-set tail.
It had a fixed tailwheel undercarriage and a low-set tailplane.
In this syndrome, the ears are typically low-set and somewhat posteriorly rotated.
Mrs Shorten said this would be their last flood in the low-set weatherboard home.
The tail is low-set and tapering, carried over the back when in motion or excited, but relaxed otherwise.
Considered a practical dog, they are low-set, intelligent, strong and sturdy with stamina sufficient to work a day on the farm.
Its head is low-set and cylindrical with fan-like ears and a huge mouth.
The building is in fact two connected low-set single storey buildings, one housing the residence and the other the station and offices.
Low-set ears are also a typical characteristic of branchial arch syndromes.