He stood with one foot on a low rack, knee bent, arm resting casually across his thigh.
Placing it in the lower rack, she stood back and, head bowed, hands pressed together, offered a prayer to Heaven.
Meanwhile place large pizza stone on lowest rack in oven, and heat at 425 degrees for 1 hour.
Set the pie on lower rack and bake 40 minutes.
She ran water across a plate, opened the door to the dishwasher, and placed it in the lower rack.
Remove the lower racks of the oven and preheat to 410 degrees.
Attach the lower rack and position brackets so that its items will fit between those from the above.
Roast on the oven's lowest rack for 15 minutes.
Shift the pan to the lower rack so that the pieces are about 12 inches from the source of heat.
Place the pie on the lower rack of the oven and bake for 15 minutes.