The convection can simply peel away the lower crust.
It rises through the lower crust in diapiric bodies that are less dense than the surrounding material.
Magma from the mantle or lower crust rises through its crust to the surface.
He had finally taken a rap for those services to society's lower crust.
A metamorphic core complex occurs when lower crust is brought to the surface as a result of extension.
They form, and are exhumed, through relatively fast transport of middle and lower continental crust to the Earth's surface.
The earlier notion that the lower continental crust is largely basaltic in composition has received little support from more recent studies.
This includes data from the Kola deep well and the presence of high conductivity in the lower crust.
These granites are formed by melting of the lower crust under conditions that are usually extremely dry.
In the 1980s and 1990s a number of teams have been mapping the structures in the lower crust by seismology.