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Took was transferred to a familiar looking room with a chair that contained restraints and a window built into one side.
Slowly, Gant pushed it open, to reveal a very battered looking room.
Indeed, the school's library is a sparsely endowed, lonely looking room.
The girl is looking off-screen to the right, so she has been placed to the left of the frame to give her 'looking room'.
The museum consists of a maze of small, theatrical looking rooms.
Only about six miles away, that is in territory, but about a hundred years off in time, four men sat in a cold and desolate looking room.
Lara Spencer's first book, I Brake for Yard Sales, a guide on how to create high end looking rooms using second hand finds, was published in 2012.
As they passed through the hall, Lady Catherine opened the doors into the dining-parlour and drawing-room, and pronouncing them, after a short survey, to be decent looking rooms, walked on.
Otherwise, it should be set slightly off-centre so that there is a little more space to the edge of the frame in the direction in which the subject is looking; this is called looking room.
It was a short moment before he could recall where he was and what he was doing in this strange European looking room that had the washbasin right out in the open next to the bed.