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The long labour had nearly killed Flavia and the child.
Alongside loyalism, the estate also had a long Labour tradition.
Little do they know of our long labour for the safe-keeping of their borders.
Daylight suddenly, the engines no longer labouring and the brakes hard on as the world dropped away to our right.
The longest Labour government had lasted six years.
A long labour strike affected programming in 1976.
Just a long laboured barely audible tubercular sound as the last breath he had taken came back out, never to be replaced.
It had been a long labour.
Half-naked to the bitter cold, she had set herself to the long labour of hacking out a grave for her dead in the frozen earth.
I would willingly have sent it forth to the world with that perfection which long labour and revision is said to bestow.
Clare has a long labour and the baby is premature so is put in an incubator, to be on the safe side.
This broke a long Labour hold on the Māori seats.
Main problem is it is too early to really expect them to appreciate why life long labour voters deserted them.
It really seemed as if the ague had carried off the last remnants of the illness under which she had been so long labouring.
Doctors had decided to carry out a forceps delivery on her mother 15 year old Sally Taylor after a long labour.
After travelling for another hour, his horse, quite worn out with long labour and lack of food, fell, and was unable to rise again.
I do agree it's game over for Brown and I welcome that, even as a life long Labour supporter.
Mr Snakol drew in a long laboured breath, that sort of hissed into his lungs.
Kate, pregnant with her second baby, thought she knew what to expect when it came to giving birth, especially since she'd had a long labour first time round.
The armour no longer laboured under the extra load, and Skade had lost the feeling that a fall would automatically dash her brains out.
Windows have to be cleaned often if they are to be kept clean, and literary clarity, too, is always likely to be an effect of long labour.
After a long labour, difficult and painful, she lay also like one dead and two of the midwives signed a bond that was to cost many lives...
After long labour he may be able to guard against the error, but he can never be thoroughly rid of the illusion which continually mocks and misleads him.
By July, Mariel's psoriasis was no longer evident, there was only slight swelling in the joint spaces, and her breathing was no longer laboured.
It was republished by John Ball, who, in his address to the reader, says he had much and long labour in procuring a copy of Bathurst's work.
There's no way to tell how long labor will last.
Brown comes from a family with a long Labor tradition.
Lying on your side can give you needed rest during a long labor.
But the dream was still a long labor from realization.
A long labor is associated with a greater risk of transmission.
With a long labor, that extra energy can be really important."
As he well knew, big books mean long labor.
The long labor war, he feels, did little to solve baseball's problems.
Older mothers have a higher risk of a long labor, putting the baby in distress.
It was a long labor and a difficult birth.
The long labour had nearly killed Flavia and the child.
"Most important, these are the longest labor contracts in the university's history.
For that matter, women in long labor routinely sleep between contractions.
Women over 35 are more inclined to have a longer labor period, which could potentially result in death of the mother or fetus.
But in those very years he was paying a high price for the long labor of finding himself in art.
Man extracted these minerals after quite long labor and utilized them for his own benefit.
Some of the business representatives are laborers who have been so severely injured they can no longer labor.
"If I have a long labor I still might get through the game."
Gaining too many pounds puts you at risk for longer labor and a tougher delivery.
By contrast, just 1 percent of the other women developed a fever and 8 percent had a long labor.
"And so my long labors come to an end.
The strike is on", thus beginning the longest labor action to date in baseball history.
In some cases, the hospitals said, women endured long labors or heavy bleeding.
My long labors have been devoted to making stories resemble the times they depict.
I've had longer labours than that one but never a terribly long one.
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