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Since these individuals were found among the remains of long-extinct species.
I just thought it was the bones of some long-extinct beast.
It is the first evidence that these long-extinct arthropods walked on land.
There was always the chance that he too had located some long-extinct bacterium.
Out into the water they could see sea stacks, the remnants of long-extinct volcanic activity.
In addition to the familiar types, the long-extinct "trichordates" are included.
It's taken 26 million years, but scientists say getting the first glimpse at what a long-extinct giant penguin looked like was worth the wait.
They're giving us new information about the anatomy of these long-extinct amphibians."
Not by the natives, Carole thought, those wretched long-extinct bacteria.
It is thought to be the sole survivor of an otherwise long-extinct marsupial group.
With such a diversity of species, Chiappe says it is easy to see why the long-extinct creatures are still so popular.
That's why biomechanically modeling is so important to our understanding of long-extinct animals."
Scientists have created a lifelike model of a long-extinct sea creature using a 3-D printer.
The island was formed by the long-extinct Montagnola volcano, roughly 150,000 years ago.
The long-extinct creature's thigh bone alone is almost 8 feet tall, and provided the key to the species' discovery.
However, the long-extinct katydid may have been alerting predators to his location, too.
Now listen to me, the long-extinct vampire interrupted.
And what more appropriate way to immortalise them than by naming a long-extinct fish after them!
Can we bring back a long-extinct animal?
The new findings could allow scientists to partially recreate the migration patterns of these long-extinct creatures.
The crater floor is at 4,558 meters above sea level, formed by rock that seals the opening of this long-extinct volcano.
A long-extinct Arthur’s Seat suddenly erupting could reasonably be described as an act of God.
The palaeontologists have named the long-extinct species Barbaturex morrisoni.
(Traces deep within the head of a long-extinct type of snail are also relevant).
The long-extinct pterodactyl of the outer world.