For example, it may be logically possible for the universe's physical laws to be different from what they actually are.
What they often say is that God can do whatever is logically possible.
It is always logically possible that any given statement about the world is false.
While nearly every logically possible combination of experiences can occur, several types are more common than others.
From this (so Chalmers argues) it follows that such a world is logically possible.
"knows everything that is logically possible to know"
I will withstand the Fires in my blood for as long as it is logically possible.
"It turns out that it is logically possible for them both to have a kernel of truth because they are talking about different people."
It is logically possible that the next brick to be released will 'fall' upwards.
Though it is logically possible for love to bestow itself on an object that has no other worth, human beings do not have this capacity.