Hawaii longline fishing for swordfish closed again on 17 March 2006, when the by-catch limit of 17 loggerhead turtles was reached.
Another series of tests by a research associate, Kenneth Lohman, determined that loggerhead turtles also use the earth's magnetic field to help orient themselves.
In summer, loggerhead turtles lay their eggs on the beach.
This is due to the endangered loggerhead turtles or "caretta caretta" which lay their eggs on the beaches at night.
Giant leatherback, hawksbill, and loggerhead turtles also nest here.
The area is also rich with reptiles; the common species are green turtle and loggerhead turtle.
In 2010, officials rescued 3,000 loggerhead turtles from hypothermia, brought about by unseasonably cold weather in early January.
The eggs are believed to be either those of the threatened loggerhead turtle or the endangered green turtle, Lieutenant Huffstodt said.
It contains a herd of feral horses, scallop, crabs and various sea animals, including summer nesting by loggerhead turtles.
In particular the cays are recognized as having the largest breeding population of endangered loggerhead turtles in the South Pacific.