The accommodation available to them included Gentlemen's club accommodations, lodging houses and coaching inns.
And there were lodging houses for the poorest people, where tenants rented a bed.
In response, the police raided lodging houses with black occupants, accompanied by an "enraged lynch mob".
The trains transported children from lodging houses, orphanages, private homes or the street, bringing them to towns where local organizers had created interest in the program.
Connected with these shops were lodging houses, mean enough to look at, but clean within.
His vision included slum brigades, lodging houses, eating houses, legal aid and the first labour exchange.
There are first class hotels, inns and lodging houses to accommodate both foreign and local tourists.
The Egyptians didn't seem to mind; the restaurants, brothels, lodging houses and bazaars were all doing brisk business.
The army's bound to search the hotels and lodging houses.
At last he went into a house one of the poor, anonymous, inconspicum s lodging houses used by spies and errant husbands everywhere.